Manami Aoki, Hair of the WOOD (detail), 2023. Brooch, wood, silver, steel.

Päivi Pussila, Song to the Spruce, 2020 (detail), Charcoal drawing on paper, Oulu City Collection. Photograph: Mika Friman.
From this Neck of the Woods
The exhibition reflects on contemporary human relationships with the forest and ways of connecting with nature through art.
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Martti Mäki: Afternoon, 1978. Tempera on canvas, 120 x 210,3 cm Oulu Art Museum Collection. Photo: Mika Friman.

Vilho Lampi, Dance on the Bridge, 1930, Oulu Art Museum collection. Photo: Mika Friman.
Vilho Lampi: The Great Expanse
Revisit the popular exhibition of the painter of the lowlands.
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