Travelling exhibitions can be booked for a fee for libraries, galleries and public exhibition spaces in the regions of North Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. The art cabinets are provided on loan free of charge to kindergartens in the city of Oulu. Their smaller sisters, the mini art cabinets, can be reserved free of charge for municipal day-care centres and services for the elderly in the regions of North Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. You can also enquire about regional museum services in other parts of Finland.

Hanna-Leena Ruottinen

Regional art researcher

Minna Mäkelä, from the Home Games series (detail), 2003, monotype. Photograph: Mika Friman.

STARTING 1 SEPTEMBER 2023 touring exhibition

Small Spaces

The travelling exhibition from the Oulu Art Museum collection features prints and ink drawings by seven artists.

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Art cabinets


Forest Folk

Origami is a very simple art form. All you need is a piece of paper and a bit of finger dexterity – no tools or other instruments are required.

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Photograph: Mika Friman.


Sunflower Land

Ilona Kivijärvi's miniatures transport the viewer into a fairy tale world where parts of the landscape come to life as mystical figures.

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