The work of sculptor, academic and professor Oskari Jauhiainen forms an important part of post-war Finnish sculpting. A key part of his output consists of public monumental sculptures located in different parts of Finland. The artist also produced soldiers’ grave monuments and sculptures depicting both famous persons and ordinary people. In addition to his monumental sculptures, he has made portraits and medal art. Oskari Jauhiainen is particularly known for his realistic style, but he also experimented with abstract forms.
The gallery also features ceramics made for Arabia by Oskari Jauhiainen’s student, sculptor Anja Juurikkala (1923–2015). The permanent part of the exhibition is produced by Oulu Museum and Science Centre.
Watch a video of sculptor Oskari Jauhiainen’s public sculptures.
Location and opening hours
Gallery Oskari Jauhiainen is in the Syke House, which also houses the library, the youth centre, Kiiminki public service point (Oulu10 services) and the Oulu-opisto community college.
The exhibition is open during the opening hours of Kiiminki Library. See library opening hours.

Oskari Jauhiainen's artistic work
The artist is known for his sculptures that depict physical work and highlight his respect of his roots and the work of past generations.
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Oskari Jauhiainen's sculpture from his teenage years, Bear, from 1929. Photograph: Mika Friman.
Oskari Jauhiainen's childhood and youth
Oskari Jauhiainen was born in 1913 in Huttukylä, Kiiminki into a poor single-parent family. The family had a meagre income and had no permanent home.
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