Conservation aims to preserve artworks in the condition originally intended by the artist. Artworks are documented visually and in writing. They are also handled, maintained and conserved using proactive and material-based methods.

Dismantling of Jouko Korkeasaari's art installation Envy (2010), consisting of many different parts, for storage after the exhibition. Photograph: Päivi Kyllönen-Kunnas
Artworks can be serviced immediately after acquisition, prior to display and proactively to prevent damage, for example by adding protective structures and maintaining and monitoring the environmental conditions within the museum and the exhibition spaces. Conservation can also be a long-term series process in which a work of art or art installation is conserved and protective solutions, a display stand or storage protection are applied. All conservation activities, conservation planning, framing, protection and alterations are recorded in the museum information system and documented in writing in the artwork’s own conservation folder.
The museum does not provide conservation services commercially, but our conservators provide advice to private individuals.